The 12-12/12:12 event
2009 saw the start of a unique initiative by the enthusiastic LinkedIn group IEDP: 12-12/12:12! This is the moment that you can surprise a stranger with a small gift. It’s all about humanity. It is therefore, and always will be, a non-commercial event!
How does it work?
On December 12 you will stride into the wide world with your gift. This can be anything: a homemade cake, a flower, a drawing. Be creative! Present your gift to the first person you meet at 12:12 PM. This can be anyone. If you like, you can insert a note, to explain in your own words what 12-12/12:12 means. Give your present at 12:12 PM and enjoy the shared experience!
Why should you join?
To set an example in the current society. To beat the chill creeping into today’s culture. To enjoy the experience. To surprise someone with your heartfelt wishes. To let people know that humanity still exists. It’s an exercise in courage, enthusiasm and spontaneity.
Spread the word!
Join & share to let your network know they can join, too. Use Facebook, Twitter (hashtag is #12121212event) and all other social media. Please don’t hesitate to share your experience with us. When you gave something, leave us your message at ‘iets gegeven 2012’. If you received something, the tab ‘iets ontvangen’ is the place to be!